Sunday, October 7, 2007

.NET Remoting Or Web Services?

Stumble upon awesome explanation regarding these two. Previously, almost got ultimate 'bera' headache reading /deciding both two. A bit clearer now :) . Good for my PG.

- By default, use ASP.NET Web Services. They are simpler to implement and use, and offer the broadest reach to clients.
- Consider .NET Remoting if you need a more traditional distributed object model with full CLR type fidelity, don't need interoperability with other platforms, and have control over client and server configurations.
- If you choose .NET Remoting, prefer the HTTP channel registered with IIS and ASP.NET. Otherwise, you will have to build your own process lifecycle management and security infrastructure.
- Given that .NET Remoting requires .NET client, it makes sense to use the binary formatter instead.
- Use Enterprise Services when you need declarative transactions.

(chooose.. baby)

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