Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Let They Count it For You : Line of Code (LOC) counter

Unless you are a real superhuman that can count seamlessly across any given numbers,algorithms and what not... these tools are there for you to exploit. One is from the Visual Studio creator itself, Microsoft's Line Of Code Counter tool and the other one is from LOCMetrics.

Both capable of doing the countjob for you (of course) but I prefer the tool from M$ much much more because it offer more awesome features which you can dig more here.Complete with webcast and ppt files. This flexible 32-bit program also can be used as a stand-alone client or as a Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) add-in. Choose your preferred channel dudes!

This tool is a fast and easy-to-use code counting tool that contains an algorithm to estimate defects.Project managers and developers at Microsoft IT use this tool to obtain uniform and detailed software development metrics.

Some of the feat.. :-

* It handles many different programming languages.
* It performs many different kinds of code counts.
* It handles comments, system-generated code, blank lines, and code churn.
* It connects to many different repositories.
* It provides an estimated defect density that is based on code churn.
* It is customizable. A user can change the kinds of objects that are counted during a counting task.
* It generates detailed reports. In addition, a user can export the report information to a Microsoft Office Excel® worksheet or to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
* It is fast. The tool can parse 10 million lines of code in less than one hour.

Maybe you had experience with greater tools or program that you can share it here? Let's churn it out mate!

The M$ LOC tool - setting up your thingy

The M$ LOC tool - some of the report

LOCmetrics for Windows in action!

Pie chart by LOCmetrics for Windows

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