Monday, April 14, 2008

e-Filing vs e-Failing? : Microsoft VBScript runtime error

April, month of the tax, the tax payers and the tax collectors, and also till the very last minute tax form submission. Be it through the old time fill in the form and send to your nearest LDHN authorized 'collection' centre or by using 'state-of-the-art' e-filing system. Yeah, its considered way long before the official deadline, but to date, i've experience few hiccups here and there , using the online system. Hang in the middle of whatsoever and all the weirdo vbscript error msg... sort of 'friendly' message you'll somewhat get. :) (hopefully not at your time).

Got this while "Save and Continue"... (simpan dan teruskan)

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'cCur'
/2008-1/BE/f_pelepasanDB.asp, line 126

Dear LHDN 'Heroes a.k.a developers', this is just a friendly note. Kindly give us more 'nicely' massage error messages. Or.. don't give any message at all.. :)
Thank You.


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