Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 3 Part 1 : Tech.Ed SEA 2008, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur

Day 3 :
After fantastic two days of whollotta walk, talk, eat, (sleep a.k.a rest)... again we're here on the 3rd day of Tech.Ed SEA 2008, KLCC. Still alive and kicking as expected...

No need to talk about the not-so-rapid-LRT service, for me.. huhu... nvmd lah.. as long as I safely arrived on 'time', that was great.

First session ...Silverlight 2 – Building Rich Internet Applications Using
Microsoft Silverlight by Oliver Scheer. Nice presentation and the demo was OK. (see attached imgs)..

..with my trusted 'pasar malam' crocs'.. huhu

demo by Oliver... Silverlight rules!

Silverlight your day, and night...